Продукти за 60 a (398)

Мобилен Дехидратор - TTK 60 E

Мобилен Дехидратор - TTK 60 E

KOMFORT-LUFTENTFEUCHTER TTK 60 E Hoher Anwenderkomfort in elegantem Design … ... steht der starken Leistung in nichts nach! Klar, dass er bei den Pflichtaufgaben eines modernen Luftentfeuchters in jeder Hinsicht punktet: Durch die Kombination aus hohem Arbeitsbereich, flexiblem Zweistufengebläse, Hygrostatsteuerung und starkem Kompressor mit 0,47 kW Leistung eignet sich der TTK 60 E optimal zur angenehm leisen Trockenhaltung von Wohn- und Büroräumen oder beheizten Kellern. Darüber hinaus besticht dieser elegante Raumluftentfeuchter durch sein besonders übersichtlich konzipiertes Bedientableau, das trotz der vielfältigen Komfortfunktionen sehr einfach bedienbar ist. Bewegbarkeit:mobiler Flüssigkeit:Luft
SCOOP II Гъвкав - SCOOP II 500/60 сребрист D с ножов блок от неръждаема стомана

SCOOP II Гъвкав - SCOOP II 500/60 сребрист D с ножов блок от неръждаема стомана

SCOOP II is at home anywhere. Comprising high-impact polystyrene with a material thickness of 2.5 mm, SCOOP II offers a host of application options. And not just in the kitchen – but also in other areas of daily life where the organizing and sorting of cutlery and various small utensils is called for. Suitable for all currently available drawer box systems, SCOOP II is based on transverse cutlery compartments and multi-purpose sections. Particularly in pull-outs without soft close, the transverse compartments guarantee a virtually unlimited service life, since sharp objects – such as knives – are no longer thrust against the material each time the drawer is opened.
60.6434.00 - HYMI Машинни Инструменти

60.6434.00 - HYMI Машинни Инструменти

60.6434.00 - HYMI Maschinenwerkzeuge
Елементи за защита от износване - germanShock® VC 60

Елементи за защита от износване - germanShock® VC 60

germanShock® VC 60 Available dimensions: Thickness: 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 mm Width: 500 / 750 mm Length: 1,000 / 1,500 mm Specifications: Colour: black Hardness: 60 ° Shore A Surface: plain Mounting: 2 integrated aluminium profiles for easy and quick mounting
Стойка за слънчев чадър Стойка за плоча Стойка за пазарен чадър P 60/50

Стойка за слънчев чадър Стойка за плоча Стойка за пазарен чадър P 60/50

Plattenständer zum einlegen von Betonplatten Plattenständer " P 60/50" zum einlegen von Betonplatten 50x50 cm Stahl feuerverzinkt. Für Schirmmast bis Ø 60 mm Gewicht : ca. 7 KG
Индуктивни Сензори - IB120126 - индуктивен сензор, M12x1 60 дълъг, квази-плосък, Sn: 6, 10-30V DC, PNP NO

Индуктивни Сензори - IB120126 - индуктивен сензор, M12x1 60 дълъг, квази-плосък, Sn: 6, 10-30V DC, PNP NO

Los interruptores de proximidad inductivos son sensores que operan sin contacto. Detectan toda clase de metales conductores, independientemente de que se muevan o no. La distancia de conmutación alcanzable de los equipos depende del material del objeto y de sus dimensiones. Los sensores resistentes a las vibraciones se pueden acercar lateral o frontalmente. Los interruptores de proximidad inductivos se emplean para la consulta de presencia (p. ej. soporte de mercancías), el posicionamiento (p. ej tapas de horno), el contaje (p. ej. tuercas/tornillos), la consulta de velocidad (p. ej. en ruedas dentadas), en sistemas de transporte (p. ej. entrada de tubos flexibles) o mediciones de la distancia (p. ej. control de inserción a presión) de objetos metálicos. Tipo de tensión:DC Diseño:Cilindro, rosca Número de polos:3 Material de la carcasa:Latón Revestimiento carcasa:cromado Tamaño de rosca métrica:12 Versión de la conexión eléctrica:Conector M12 Versión de la salida de conmutación:PNP Ejecución de la func. de conmutación:Contacto NA Condición de montaje mec. p. sensor:cuasi enrasado Material de la superf. act. d. sensor:PBTP Grado de protección (IP):IP67 Factor de corrección (St37):1 Factor de corrección (VA):0.7 Factor de corrección (Alu):0.3 Factor de corrección (Ms):0.4 Factor de corrección (Cu):0.25 Paso de cables:axial Alineación de la entrada de cable:axial Frecuencia de conmutación:800Hz
пластмасова пътна табела - пластмасова пътна табела Тип 60 B TL, Тип 60B, Тип 60w, Тип 40

пластмасова пътна табела - пластмасова пътна табела Тип 60 B TL, Тип 60B, Тип 60w, Тип 40

for universal protection of building sites, continuous support tube, with welded plate for mounting in the base plate, film red / white attached on both sides, reflec- ting, film area protected by outer edge, socket 60 mm x 60 mm or 40 x 40 mm
Wolf Компактен Филтър Панел ISO ePM10 60% Тип 3/4

Wolf Компактен Филтър Панел ISO ePM10 60% Тип 3/4

• Passend für Wolf Filter-K Pan ePM10 60% 3/4 • High-End Kompaktfilter Panel M5 als Alternative zum Originalfilter • Wolf Artikel-Nr.: 1669189 Wir bieten Ihnen Qualität Made in Germany . • Passend für Wolf Filter-K Pan ePM10 60% 3/4 • High-End Kompaktfilter Panel M5 als Alternative zum Originalfilter • Wolf Artikel-Nr.: 1669189 Materialeigenschaften • Hochwertiger Kunststoffrahmen • Bruchsichere Fasern • Sehr robuster, äußerst stabiler Faltenverbund • Exzellente Stoßfestigkeit • Wasserabweisend • Antimikrobielle Eigenschaften • Geprüft nach DIN EN 779 / ISO 16890-M5/ePM10 60% • Temperaturbeständig bis 70°C • Brandschutz nach DIN 53438-3 (F1) Lieferzeit ca. 15 Arbeitstage Wir bieten Ihnen Qualität Made in Germany aus eigener Produktion. Es handelt sich hier um ein Eigenprodukt der Filter GmbH Preussel Langenfeld. Dies ist kein Originalprodukt des Herstellers. Die Originalteilenummern der Hersteller dienen nur zur Orientierung. 2215: 1 M5 49,95 € (Netto)


With the IMT POC MED range, we have developed special generators for in-house production of oxygen for mobile and stationary medicine. Oxygen from 0,50 Nm³/h - 352,00 Nm³/h Oxygen Purity up to 95% The generators with innovative and energy-saving POC technology have been designed and developed in compliance with the strict quality management specifications of ISO 13485:2016 and ISO 7396-1:2016. They are certified in accordance with the Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC and the gas quality of the oxygen produced complies with the standards of the European Pharmacopoeia for medical applications. The POC Med range uses the new POC technology developed by INMATEC. This increases the efficiency of the PSA technology used to separate the oxygen molecules from the nitrogen molecules thanks to innovative flow technology combined with advanced vortex technology. This means less compressed air is required.
Оцетна киселина 60%

Оцетна киселина 60%

Produktinformationen "Essigsäure 60%" 10 Liter hochwertige Essigsäure 60% in techn. Qualität. Anwendungs- und Sicherheitshinweise auf dem Etikett (s.Bild.) beachten! Achtung: Sollten Sie diese Produkt zurücksenden wollen, so muss es durch den Käufer als Gefahrgut zurücksandt werden (sehr schwierig!). Wir als Händler können für dieses Produkt keine Gefahrgutrücksendung vornehmen, hierfür bitten wir um Ihr Verständnis. Weiterführende Links zu "Essigsäure 60%" Fragen zum Artikel? Weitere Artikel von TerraDomi
Чанта с блоково дъно, изработена от OPP с запечатан шев, много прозрачна 40my 60+40x150

Чанта с блоково дъно, изработена от OPP с запечатан шев, много прозрачна 40my 60+40x150

Product information "Block bottom bag made of OPP with sealed seam, highly transparent, 40-50µ, in different sizes" Block bottom bag made of OPP with sealed seam, highly transparent, in different sizes Features: highly transparent Material OPP (polypropylene) Sealed seam thickness 0.04mm (40µ) Material: This block bottom bag is made of OPP with sealing seam (highly transparent), stable and odorless. Block bottom bags provide protection from air and moisture. Our block bottom bags form a standing surface when unfolded and stand firm even without contents. They are particularly suitable for filling flavored, ground products such as salt, spices, decorative sand, etc. The plastic film ensures long and dry storage and the flavor is retained. Product number:1072-0604015040 Particularities:food safe , transparent
Пердета с пух 60% пух

Пердета с пух 60% пух

Daunen Kopfkissen BEFA Natur in 80x80 cm. Maximaler Komfort: Ob für lange und tiefe Schlafnächte, Power Naps oder kleine Siesta, unser kuschelig weiches Daunenkissen passt sich Ihrer Lieblingsposition an. Hochwertige und tierfreundliche Herstellung: Downpass-Zertifizierung (Qualität und Tierschutz). Öko-Tex Standard 100 = höchste Stufe. Made in Germany Größen: 40x80 cm, 80x80 cm Bezug: 100% Baumwolle Füllung: weiße neue Daunen -und Federn Klasse 1, 60% Daunen , 40% Federn Füllgewicht: 40x80 cm Kissen = 450g 80x80 cm Kissen = 900g - Waschbar und Trockner geeignet - Öko Tex Standard 100 zertifiziert, ohne Schadstoffe - Nomite zertifiziert - Ideal für Allergiker - Kein Lebendrupf
Дехидратор - DH 60 - Дехидратор - DH 60

Дехидратор - DH 60 - Дехидратор - DH 60

INDUSTRIE-KONDENSTROCKNER DH 60 Robuster Luftentfeuchter mit umluftstarkem Radialventilator Den umluftstarken DH 60 kennzeichnet nicht nur sein markantes deutsches Industriedesign, formschön minimiert auf maximale Solidität, sondern auch seine hohe Entfeuchtungsleistung bis in niedrige Temperaturbereiche, technisch perfektioniert für konstanten Betrieb bei minimalem Wartungsaufwand. Eben durch und durch ein professioneller Industrieentfeuchter aus original Trotec-Fabrikation, der nach höchsten Qualitätsmaß­stäben in Deutschland entwickelt und gefertigt wurde. Durch seine professionelle Ausstattung, die äußerst robuste und wartungsarme Konstruk­tion sowie den platzsparenden Wandbetrieb kann der DH 60 in den vielfältigsten industriellen Einsatzfeldern zur schnellen wirtschaftlichen Trocknung verwendet werden. Technologie:Kälte Bewegbarkeit:festinstallierter Flüssigkeit:Luft
Индустриален Вентилаторен Нагревател - IDE 60 D

Индустриален Вентилаторен Нагревател - IDE 60 D

CHAUFFAGE AU FIOUL IDE 60 D Notre chauffage soufflant direct au fioul IDE 60 D, avec son réservoir de carburant intégré, est idéal pour les chantiers, les halls et bien plus encore. Il existe de nombreuses applications de chauffage au fioul standard pour lesquelles une technologie solide avec un rapport qualité/prix optimal et une capacité de chauffage élevée de 60 kW sont exigées, que ce soit pour le chauffage permanent direct dans l’agriculture et la production, sur les chantiers ou les entrepôts. Notre réponse : le chauffage au fioul IDE 60 D. Cet appareil de chauffage prêt à l’emploi est un chauffage soufflant au fioul à combustion directe particulièrement puissant. Les deux couches de peinture de son boîtier résistant le prédestinent aux applications de chauffage les plus diverses dans les zones bien aérées. La grande sortie d’air de l’IDE 60 D garantit une répartition maximale de l’air chaud avec un degré d’efficacité de 100 %.
Овлажнител с хладилен агент - DH 60

Овлажнител с хладилен агент - DH 60

DÉSHUMIDIFICATEUR INDUSTRIEL À CONDENSATION DH 60 Déshumidificateur d’air robuste avec un ventilateur radial à forte circulation d’air Le DH 60 bénéficie d’un design allemand industriel marquant et garantit une circulation intensive de l’air. Sa belle forme est minimisée et sa solidité maximalisée, il est aussi doté d’une capacité de déshumidification élevée jusque dans les plages de température les plus basses. Sa perfection technique permet un fonctionnement continu exigeant une maintenance minimale. Il s’agit d’un vrai déshumidificateur industriel professionnel de fabrication originale Trotec, développé et fabriqué en Allemagne selon les normes de qualité les plus élevées. De par son équipement professionnel, sa construction extrêmement robuste et à faible entretien ainsi que son installation murale peu encombrante, le DH 60 peut être utilisé pour une déshumidification économique et rapide dans les applications industrielles les plus diverses. Technologie:réfrigérant Mobilité:stationnaire Fluide:d'air Autres caractéristiques:non spécifié
Фиксирован обезвлажнител - DS 60

Фиксирован обезвлажнител - DS 60

DEUMIDIFICATORE PER PISCINE DS 60 Regolazione efficace dell'umidità dell'aria nelle piscine coperte o negli ambienti con whirlpool Questo dispositivo di qualità, progettato per piscine con superfici fino a 50 metri quadrati, mantiene l'umidità dell'aria su livelli ottimali, e non solo nelle grandi piscine coperte, per impedire i danni dovuti all'umidità sull'edificio e sull'inventario, oltre a garantire il benessere dei visitatori. Dato che il DS 60, prodotto in Germania, è stato sviluppato appositamente per gli interventi di deumidificazione efficace negli ambienti umidi, può essere impiegato in modo ottimale anche negli ambienti con Whirlpool o negli ambienti benessere e nelle sale fitness. Il biglietto da visita ottico del DS 60 è il suo involucro in plastica con rinforzi in fibre di vetro, facile da pulire, che non viene intaccato neanche dalle condizioni con aria particolarmente reattive. Mobilità:fisso Fluido:d'aria Altre caratteristiche:per piscina,a muro
Портативен обезвлажнител - TTK 60 E

Портативен обезвлажнител - TTK 60 E

DEUMIDIFICATORE COMFORT TTK 60 E Utilizzo molto confortevole con un design elegante ... ... assolve in pieno prestazioni di alto livello! Ovvio che è il migliore in ogni senso per quanto riguarda gli obblighi di un moderno deumidificatore: grazie alla combinazione dell'ampia area di lavoro con la ventilazione flessibile a due livelli, il comando a igrostato e il potente compressore con una potenza di 0,47 kW, il TTK 60 E è perfettamente adatto al mantenimento dell'asciutto, piacevolmente silenzioso, dei locali abitativi e degli uffici o delle cantine riscaldate. Inoltre, questo elegante deumidificatore ambientale affascina grazie al suo pannello di comando particolarmente comprensibile, che nonostante le molteplici funzioni comfort, è molto semplice da usare. . Mobilità:mobile Fluido:d'aria
Индустриален Вентилаторен Нагревател - IDE 60

Индустриален Вентилаторен Нагревател - IDE 60

CHAUFFAGE AU FIOUL IDE 60 De grands volumes d'air chaud, sec et propre grâce à la puissance de chauffage de 60 kW d'un appareil de chauffage aussi bien solide qu'économique. Le chauffage au fioul IDE 60 est un chauffage top à un prix top et notre meilleure recommandation de chauffage au fioul classique fiable sur les chantiers, dans les entrepôts et dans les ateliers ou dans l’agriculture. Le chauffage IDE 60 maîtrise souverainement les longues utilisations à l'extérieur, car il dispose d'un carter résistant doublement verni, monté sur un chariot facilement manœuvrable avec un rangement de câble et un réservoir à carburant installé. En utilisant l’évacuation de gaz disponible en option, cette appareil de chauffage peut aussi être employé de manière flexible pour le chauffage de locaux fermés.
Индустриален Въздушен Нагревател - IDE 60

Индустриален Въздушен Нагревател - IDE 60

SOPLADOR CALEFACTOR DE FUELOIL IDE 60 Grandes volúmenes de aire caliente limpio y seco gracias a la potencia calorífica de 60 kW de un calefactor tan sólido como económico – el soplador calefactor IDE 60 reúne el mejor precio y el mayor rendimiento en un único aparato y nuestra solución económica segura para tareas de calefacción por fueloil típicas en obras, naves y talleres o en la agricultura. El soplador calefactor por fueloil IDE 60 supera tranquilamente los trabajos en exteriores ya que posee una resistente carcasa de material con laca doble que está montada en una estructura de carro con ruedas con marcha suave, alojamiento para cable y un tanque de combustible instalado. Y si se usa el extractor de gases de humo que puede adquirirse opcionalmente este calefactor puede ser empleado también en la calefacción de espacios cerrados.
Индустриален вентилаторен нагревател - IDE 60

Индустриален вентилаторен нагревател - IDE 60

The oil heaters of the IDE-series are good valued solutions with solid technology for typical standard heating jobs with direct warmth. All oil fired indirect IDE devices take place with help of a Danfoss® injection pump. As well, these models have an easy reachable fuel filter on the outside. For a desired temperature adjustment all IDE devices have an integrated thermostat with a dual display for set value and actual value. If the temperature should be measured and controlled at a place with a distance of 25 meters away from the heater you can use the optionally available extern thermostat. The fuel level of the integrated fuel tank can be read on the fuel level display. Convincing practical advantages: Very economical solution for standard oil heaters Integrated fuel tank with fuel level display Electronic flame safeguard Overheating protection Stainless steel fire combustion chamber Integrated thermostat with a dual display for set value and actual value
Фиксиран обезвлажнител - DS 60

Фиксиран обезвлажнител - DS 60

POOL DEHUMIDIFIER DS 60Effective humidity regulation in indoor swimming pools or whirlpools This quality device dimensioned for pool sizes of up to 50 square metres not only keeps the humidity in larger indoor swimming pools at an ideal level, so as to prevent moisture-related damages to the building and inventory and to ensure the well-being of visitors. With the DS 60 being manufactured in Germany and developed specifically for efficient dehumidification operations in wet rooms, it can also be used perfectly in whirlpool or wellness surroundings or gyms. The outward flagship of the DS 60 is its fibreglass-reinforced, easy-to-clean plastic housing which cannot be harmed even by especially reactive air environments. Portability:fixed Product:air Other characteristics:for swimming pools,wall-mounted
Индустриален Нагревател - IDE 60 D

Индустриален Нагревател - IDE 60 D

ÖLHEIZGEBLÄSE IDE 60 D Unser leistungsstarkes Direkt-Ölheizgebläse IDE 60 D ist mit seinem integrierten Brennstofftank unsere Empfehlung für Baustellen, Hallen und mehr! Ob direkte Dauerbeheizung in Landwirtschaft und Produktion, auf Baustellen oder in Lagerhallen – es gibt viele typische Standard-Ölbeheizungsaufgaben, bei denen solide Technik mit optimalem-Preis-Leistungsverhältnis und hoher 60-kW-Wärmeleistung gefragt ist. Unsere Antwort: Das Ölheizgebläse IDE 60 D. Dieses steckerfertig einsetzbare Heizgerät ist ein besonders leistungsstarkes direkt befeuertes Ölheizgebläse und aufgrund seines strapazierfähigen Gehäuses aus doppelt lackiertem Material für die verschiedensten Beheizungseinsätze in gut belüfteten Bereichen bestens gerüstet. Der große Luftauslass des IDE 60 D garantiert dabei eine maximale Warmluftausdehnung mit hohem Wirkungsgrad von 100 %.
AGO-Protect Защита за базовото устройство - AGO-Protect 500/60 на място

AGO-Protect Защита за базовото устройство - AGO-Protect 500/60 на място

AGO-Protect AGO-Protect is the innovative and clean way of protecting your base unit. Any liquids that have run out are captured by the special design and the base unit is protected against damage from moisture or cleaning agents at the same time. AGO-Protect is easy to remove from the base unit for cleaning purposes. The continuous edge means that even larger quantities of liquid can be reliably collected. In this way more extensive damage can be avoided.
MOVE Ясни, променливи структури за съвременната кухня - Move 500/60 сребро D

MOVE Ясни, променливи структури за съвременната кухня - Move 500/60 сребро D

MOVE cutlery inserts feature simple no-frills linework and square shapes. The combination of fixed elements and movable dividers within the multi-purpose compartments complements the design and introduces greater flexibility to the organization of kitchen drawers. Modern vacuum thermoforming and tool technology make it possible to control the flow of material in the production process to such an extent that a good material distribution is achieved even when handling highly stretched surfaces. The new styling devoid of radii and graduations harmoniously adapts itself to the design of the drawer guidance systems. As one has come to expect from AGOFORM, every carcase size has its own divisions and variants from 300mm to 1200mm width in two different depths. A sturdy construction coupled with hygienic polystyrene makes for a durable, easy-clean product of the highest quality.
TREND II Trendy - Trend II 500/60 матова неръждаема стомана

TREND II Trendy - Trend II 500/60 матова неръждаема стомана

The cutlery inserts of the TREND II series by AGOFORM appeal on account of their aesthetically attractive shape and slight diagonal arrangement of the compartments. The extra space gained increases the organizational possibilities within a standard commercial drawer. The rounded corners in the individual compartments not only make cleaning easy but increase stability as well. The inserts are made of polystyrene, a synthetic material that is safe in contact with foodstuffs and meets all the requirements of a modern kitchen environment. The TREND II series is designed for worktop depths of 450mm, 500mm and 550mm. The available carcase widths from 300mm to 120mm cover all the kitchen drawer sizes.
SKY Clear, променливи структури за съвременната кухня - Sky 500/60 сребро D

SKY Clear, променливи структури за съвременната кухня - Sky 500/60 сребро D

SKY cutlery inserts consistently continue the design elements of the MOVE cutlery insert series. On account of the higher and wider interior partitions this insert proves the perfect partner for the new under-base mounted runners. The combination of fixed elements and movable dividers within the multi-purpose compartments complements the design and introduces greater flexibility to the organization of kitchen drawers. The new styling devoid of radii and graduations harmoniously adapts itself to the design of the drawer guidance systems. As one has come to expect from AGOFORM, every carcase size has its own divisions and variants from 300mm to 1200mm width in two different depths. A sturdy construction coupled with hygienic polystyrene makes for a durable, easy-clean product of the highest quality..
EXZELLENT Класиката среща съвременността - Exzellent 500/60 сребро D

EXZELLENT Класиката среща съвременността - Exzellent 500/60 сребро D

EXZELLENT cutlery inserts The EXZELLENT cutlery insert is one of our company's most traditional items that in terms of both quality and aesthetics meets the very highest of standards. On production machines employing the very latest technology we are able to achieve an optimum distribution of the material, making for a high degree of stability even in the corners. The longitudinal compartments feature indentations and slightly lower-set ribs, making the cutlery easier to remove yet still preventing smaller items from spilling over into the adjacent compartments. The multi-purpose inserts from the EXZELLENT series distinguish themselves from the cutlery inserts on account of their larger compartments. They are designed to accommodate a variety of kitchen utensils, such as salad servers, ladles, rolling pins etc. EXZELLENT is supplied as a precisely fitting insert for the full range of drawer systems including all the radii and recesses necessary to accommodate the fittings.
60.7316.00 - Автомат за дупки

60.7316.00 - Автомат за дупки

60.7316.00 - Ösenvollautomat
60.5011.00 - Безстепенна Регулировка на Височината за HYMI 88

60.5011.00 - Безстепенна Регулировка на Височината за HYMI 88

60.5011.00 - Stufenlose Höhenverstellung für HYMI 88
EXZELLENT Класика среща съвременност - Exzellent многофункционален вграден елемент 500/60 сребро D

EXZELLENT Класика среща съвременност - Exzellent многофункционален вграден елемент 500/60 сребро D

EXZELLENT cutlery inserts The EXZELLENT cutlery insert is one of our company's most traditional items that in terms of both quality and aesthetics meets the very highest of standards. On production machines employing the very latest technology we are able to achieve an optimum distribution of the material, making for a high degree of stability even in the corners. The longitudinal compartments feature indentations and slightly lower-set ribs, making the cutlery easier to remove yet still preventing smaller items from spilling over into the adjacent compartments. The multi-purpose inserts from the EXZELLENT series distinguish themselves from the cutlery inserts on account of their larger compartments. They are designed to accommodate a variety of kitchen utensils, such as salad servers, ladles, rolling pins etc. EXZELLENT is supplied as a precisely fitting insert for the full range of drawer systems including all the radii and recesses necessary to accommodate the fittings.